Privacy Policy by the DATA CONTROLLER


Address: 34 avenue des Champs Elysées – 75008 PARIS, VAT number FR26914912282


Email address: [email protected]


Identity data*. Contact details*. Details related to purchase(s). Browsing activity data (See the Cookies Policy accessible from the homepage of

Purchasing goods or services online, managing defect reports and handling complaints, customer service.Performance of a contract involving the data subject.Kept for the duration of the contract with the customer, as long as these data are necessary for its execution and up to 5 years from the end of the relationship.
Fulfill the regulatory and legal obligations provided for by applicable national and international laws.Need to fulfill an obligation imposed by law.Kept for as long as required by law.
If necessary to determine, exercise and/or protect the rights of the Company in legal proceedings.Legitimate interest.Kept for the duration of the legal proceedings and deleted when ordinary and extraordinary appeals against the decision are no longer possible.
Recovery of extrajudicial debts.Legitimate interest.Kept until the conclusion of a debt collection procedure or, failing that, as soon as the limitation period for the collection of debts is applicable.
Registration on the website membership in loyalty programs and/or data entry in the Company’s CRM databaseConsent (optional and revocable at any time) Such withdrawal will not affect the legality of the processing prior to the withdrawal of consent. You can always choose not to register on the website, opt out of loyalty programs and/or enter data into the Company’s database by contacting [email protected]Kept for up to 3 years from the end of the relationship with the customer for marketing purposes or upon withdrawal of consent; Kept for up to 5 years from the end of the relationship with the customer for the purpose of managing the customer relationship or upon withdrawal of consent.
Implementation of all requested exclusive services (gift cards, order tracking, wish list, full satisfaction or money back guarantee, etc.) Participation in contests, events, prizes, loyalty programs and sales campaigns in online or via social media.Consent (optional and revocable at any time) Such withdrawal will not affect the legality of the processing prior to the withdrawal of consent. You can always choose not to participate in the implementation of all the exclusive services requested (gift cards, order tracking, wish list, full satisfaction or money back guarantee, etc.), in contests, events, discounts prices, loyalty programs and sales campaigns online or via social media by contacting [email protected]Kept for up to 3 years from the end of the relationship with the customer for marketing purposes or upon withdrawal of consent.
Direct marketing purposes: for example, sending commercial and promotional communications using automatic (SMS, MMS, E-mail, social networks and instant messaging applications) and traditional (mail and telephone calls with operators) contact methods ) regarding the products and services offered by the Company or the announcements of corporate events, the measurement of customer satisfaction levels and the performance of market research and statistical analysis.Consent (optional and revocable at any time) Such withdrawal will not affect the legality of the processing prior to the withdrawal of consent. You can always choose not to be the subject of direct marketing, such as sending commercial and promotional communications regarding products and services offered by the Company or announcements of corporate events, measurement of customer satisfaction levels and carrying out market research and statistical analysis by contacting [email protected]Kept for up to 3 years from the end of the relationship with the customer for marketing purposes or upon withdrawal of consent.
Profiling purposes: analysis of your preferences, habits, behaviors and interests, including the storage of cookies on the hard drive of your computer (e.g. analysis of your browsing activity, tracking of selected products and analysis of the contents of your basket virtual, etc. See our cookie policy on the NEW BLACK COSMETICS homepage, so that we can send you personalized commercial communications / targeted promotional campaigns / tailored offers and services to your needs/preferences using automatic (SMS, MMS, E-mail, social networks, instant messaging applications and push notifications) and traditional (mail and phone calls with operators) contact methods.Consent (optional and revocable at any time) Such withdrawal will not affect the legality of the processing prior to the withdrawal of consent. You can always opt out of direct marketing profiling by contacting [email protected]Kept for up to 3 years from the end of the relationship with the customer for marketing purposes or upon withdrawal of consent.
Disclosure/transfer of commercial and promotional communications data, to any company.Consent (optional and revocable at any time).Until consent is revoked
At the end of the storage period mentioned above, data will be destroyed, deleted, or made anonymous.
Data marked with an asterisk (*) in the data collection form must be provided in order to establish and execute the contract. Therefore, any refusal to provide this data impedes the conclusion and execution of the contract.
Data may be processed by external entities acting as data controllers, such as public authorities or inspection and surveillance agencies. All entities offering electronic payment services on their own payment system are independent data controllers.
In addition, this data may be processed on behalf of the Company by external entities designated as data processing companies to which appropriate operating instructions are given. These entities are mainly divided into the following categories:
companies providing email sending services; companies offering services essential to the pursuit of the objectives outlined in this notice (media agencies, suppliers, shippers, etc.); companies providing support to conduct market research.
Your personal data may be processed by Company employees responsible for achieving the objectives outlined above, who are expressly authorized to process the data and have received appropriate instructions regarding data processing.
AUTHORIZED THIRD PARTIES TO PROCESS DATA Your personal data may be processed by employees of the Company responsible for achieving the above-mentioned objectives, who are expressly authorized to process the data and have received appropriate instructions on data processing.
TRANSFER OF PERSONAL DATA TO NON-EU COUNTRIES Data will not be transferred outside the European Union.
DATA SUBJECT RIGHTS – FILING COMPLAINTS WITH THE SUPERVISORY AUTHORITY By contacting the [email protected] office, data subjects can request the Controller to access personal data and/or correct inaccurate personal data as well as complete and delete personal data. They also have the right to restrict[1] processing in the cases provided for in Article 18 of the GDPR and to object to processing in the case of legitimate interests of the Controller. When processing is based on consent or necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is a party, or to take steps at the request of the data subject prior to entering into a contract, and the processing is carried out by automated means, data subjects have the right to receive the personal data concerning them in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, and, where technically feasible, the right to transmit their personal data to another controller without hindrance. Data subjects have the right, at any time, to withdraw the consent given for marketing and/or profiling purposes, and to object to the processing of personal data for marketing purposes, including any profiling related to direct marketing. This does not prejudice the possibility for each data subject, who prefers to be contacted for the aforementioned purposes exclusively by traditional means, to indicate their objection only to receiving communications by electronic means. Data subjects have the right to lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority of the State in which the alleged violation occurred.
[1] What is the right of restriction?
This is the temporary processing of data which consists of keeping the data only in the following cases:
The data subject disputes the accuracy of their personal data for the time necessary for the controller to verify the accuracy;
The processing is unlawful because the data subject opposes the deletion of their data and requests the restriction of their use;
The data controller no longer needs the personal data, but the data subject needs his data for legal proceedings;
The data subject objects to the processing in accordance with Article 21.1 pending verification whether the legitimate grounds of the controller outweigh his legitimate grounds.

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